Time flies when you are having fun! This year has flown by and the holiday season is upon us.
I want to wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year! May God’s blessing be upon you!
I hope each of you has enjoyed ham radio as much as I have this past year. Although I haven’t gotten to meet and visit with as many of my fellow hams as I would have liked to, I did meet some wonderful folks who are enjoying our hobby and passing it on to the next generation. I visited several clubs over Field Day and I enjoyed visiting the folks and I really enjoyed the fellowship this activity brings.
The future of our hobby is in the youth and I continue to encourage us all to do what we can to get young people involved. This week on HF I worked the Lea girls Faith Hannah AE4MH and her sister Hope KM4IPH who are on a youth DXpedition to the Dry Tortugas National Monument located 70 miles due West of Key West, Florida. They are self-contained using only what they brought with them. These girls and many other young people are great examples of the breath of fresh air young people can bring to our clubs and activities. At Quanah, Texas during my Field Day tour I saw a group of young folks building antennas, putting them up and working other stations while proud club leaders looked on. That is the spirit of ham radio!
I salute those of you who are going the extra mile by being involved in emergency preparedness and supporting your communities when needed. Hams stand ready to answer the call for assistance should a catastrophic event occur or even to support our local communities in parades, bike races, etc. We are here to serve!
Our clubs are the glue that binds us. Instead of just having business meetings let’s bring excitement to the meetings by having challenging presentations, show and tell or demonstrations of new operating software or techniques. Most of all make the meetings fun!
I appreciate the support and encouragement I have received over the past 18 months. I have decided to seek a second term if you determine me to be worthy. My goal is to serve you and to assist you however I can.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Dale, W5WI
WTX Section Manager