At the general meeting held on February 11, officers for the 2019 – 2020 year were nominated and elected by proclamation. New officers are: President – David Overton, KF5WDJ; Vice-President – Dylan McPherson, KG5RKK; Secretary – Mitchell Martin, WA5ZAP; Treasurer – Steve Hopkins, K5RS; Directors – Bill Bentley, N5POB, George Robertson, KG5KUQ, and Roger Rose, W5LXS.
There was a discussion about acquiring an amplifier and tuner for the main station. The club currently owns an Elecraft KPA500 and KAT500 which are designated for the remote station. There is no time frame for the amp acquisition.
The upcoming hamfest was discussed. David Overton has five programs set up for Saturday morning. Hamfest registrations and table rentals are doing well. The need for volunteers was reviewed. All the prizes have been purchased.