On the weekend of July 20th & 21st the Midland ARC and Big Spring ARC provided communications for the annual Bike MS Cactus and Crude Ride from Midland to Lubbock. A total of 23 MARC and BSARC hams participated.
A total 213 riders left the starting line at the Apache office in Midland at 7:10 am Saturday morning. The first riders arrived in Lamesa at 9:42 am. The ride continued on Sunday morning with 206 riders leaving Lamesa at 7:00 am with the first riders arriving at the Caprock Winery in Lubbock at 9:50 am.
On Saturday communications were handled leaving Midland on the MARC 444.200 repeater. Once in range communications switched over to the WTC Lamesa repeater on 444.750. On Sunday communications continued on the 444.750 Lamesa repeater switching to a temporary repeater in Wilson on 444.375 provided by David Overton, KF5WDJ.
Overall the ride went well. Thanks to everyone who participated! A special thanks to David, KF5WDJ, for all the work he did on the Lamesa repeater to have it ready for the ride and for providing the temporary repeater in Wilson.