From Andrew, N5RGH…
Good evening, all. As many of you are already aware, B John McDaniel (KE5PL) and I have been in the process of building a new regional linked radio system that we have decided to call PermNet. Before the ice storms, we had the following sites online; Midland, Odessa, Notrees, Big Spring, Sterling City, Marathon, Kent. During the recent ice storm, we lost the towers at Notrees and Big Spring. The Notrees site will be rebuilt in the months to come, and we are awaiting word from the Big Spring tower owner as to his intent to rebuild before proceeding. Del Rio, TX is also online. Several of the frequent PermNet users frequent the area of Del Rio, TX. This repeater serves those users with ease and provides coverage on as as-needed basis. All of the sites can be disabled, enabled, linked, un-linked, and separated into individual groups. This is all accomplished with the click of a mouse and is very user friendly.
As of yesterday, Brady, TX is now online with coverage of much of McCullough County. We anticipate San Angelo being brought online next weekend. The San Angelo site will provide coverage for >95% of Tom Green County and will overlap with the Sterling City Site.
If you have not given the PermNet linked system a try, you should. There is always somebody monitoring the system and willing to help you in any way that they can. All sites are linked with a full duplex ROIP link and provide exceptional audio quality. The system currently has the ability to link to the Big Bend Amateur Radio Club’s linked repeater system on an as-needed basis. If you are aware of any other existing/underutilized repeater sites that are primarily in the Permian Basin where we do not currently have coverage that you would like to see connected to PermNet, please have the repeater trustee contact me. I currently have multiple VHF Motorola Quantar repeaters (the PermNet standard) that can be allocated for those sites.
We are currently reviewing potential sites for Hobbs, Snyder, Rankin, and Iraan. Stay tuned!
Current ACTIVE site list:
147.220 + 88.5
443.125 + 162.2
147.100 + 88.5
443.100 + 162.2
Sterling City
147.200 (Soon to be changed to 146.640 – the old WTC frequency)
Del Rio
443.250 + 162.2
Brady 443.350 + 162.2
147.120 + 88.5
443.200 + 162.2
443.325 + 162.2
de N5RGH & KE5PL