St. Patrick’s Day Hamfest Postponed Until 2022
Due to the continued uncertainty of the availability of our hamfest venue the St. Patrick’s Day Hamfest has been postponed until 2022. The date is yet to be determined. Thanks for your understanding.
Due to the continued uncertainty of the availability of our hamfest venue the St. Patrick’s Day Hamfest has been postponed until 2022. The date is yet to be determined. Thanks for your understanding.
Eric Swartz, WA6HHQ, one of the founders of Elecraft, was recently the keynote speaker for the RSBG 2020 Convention Online. Eric’s presentation was “22 Years of Elecraft”. MARC owns several pieces of Elecraft equipment. The presentation is very interesting.
My FIRST online General Class amateur radio license class starts on Monday, October 5, 2020. It will consist of eight, two-hour sessions starting at 9 pm EDT (6pm PDT) and running until 11 pm EDT (8pm PDT). The eight sessions will take place on the following dates: Monday, October 5…
A few weeks ago WordPress version 5.5 was released. I updated our website but in the process broke the dropdown menus. Apparently there are MANY WordPress websites that were broken by the latest release. WordPress released a plugin as a temporary fix to allow time for the theme developers to…