65th Annual
St. Patrick’s Day Hamfest
and ARRL West Texas Section Convention

March 21, 2020

Congratulations to the Following Prize Winners!

Pre-registration Prize
Heil PR77D Microphone

Won by JT Caldwell, WA5ZFH
Midland, TX

1st Grand Prize
Elecraft KX2 w/MH3 Mic

Won by Gerald Beazley, W5GWB
Odessa. TX

2nd Grand Prize
LDG Z-100 Plus Autotuner

Won by Michael Lay, N5PTN
Austin, TX

3rd Grand Prize
Astron SS-30M Power Supply

Won by Jerry Janow, N5IMJ
Roswell, NM

4th and 5th Grand Prizes

Won by Ray Schulze, N5SR
Early, TX
Dan McCown, W5WE
Stanton, TX

Hourly Prizes

RT Systems Programming Software Gift Certificates
Three Prizes

Won by
Doug Speer, W5WTX, Amarillo, TX
Christie Barnard, KG5ZHC, Haslet, TX
Alexander Papoutsas, K5CMW, San Angelo, TX

Handcrafted Oak Callsign by Cliff Rozar, KC0SDV
Four Prizes

Won by

Charlie Brown, KA5ETX, Lubbock, TX
Adair Winter, KD5DYP, Amarillo, TX
Ralph Stout, KA5ULE, San Angelo, TX
Don Sands, W5DYV, Rosenburg, TX

Elecraft K4 Raffle

Won By

Michael Van Norman, K6VN
Santa Clarita, CA

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