The Midland VE Team provides Amateur Radio testing at 08:30 AM on the second Saturday of every month at the MARC clubhouse. The clubhouse is located at Loop 250 & Lamesa Rd. next to Christensen Stadium.
Please bring YOUR CURRENT, ORIGINAL, SIGNED LICENSE (if you have one) plus a photocopy and the original of any CERTIFICATE OF SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION of EXAMINATION (CSCE) that you plan to use for element or upgrade credit plus a photocopy.
You MUST bring a legal photo ID.
- State Driver’s License
- Government issued Passport
- Military or Law Enforcement Officer Photo ID card
- Student School Photo ID card
- State Photo ID card
If no photo ID is available, bring any two of the following items:
- Non-photo ID/driver’s License.
- Birth certificate (must have appropriate seal).
- Social Security Card
- Employer’s wage statement or Minor’s work permit
- School ID card
- School or Public Library card
- Utility bill, bank statement or other business correspondence that specifically names the person; or a postmarked envelope addressed
to the person at his or her current mailing address as it appears on the Form 605.
Students/minors without a photo ID need to bring only one of the above items if a legal guardian presents their photo ID; otherwise two non-photo IDs are required. Minor children (under the age of 18) may be accompanied in the room by an adult during the test.
Effective January 1, 2009, the testing fee is $15.00 for each test session. This fee is charged one time, no matter whether taking one, two, or all three test elements. The Midland VE Team does not allow retests at the same test session of a failed element.
Federal Registration Number (FRN): VECs are required by the FCC to submit your FRN with your license application form. New license applicants should create an FCC user account and register their Social Security Number (SSN) in the FCC Commission Registration System (CORES) before attending exam sessions. Registrants will be assigned an FRN which will be used in all license transactions with the FCC. For instructions on how to register your SSN and receive an FRN from the FCC, visit the FCC’s Registration page and the FCC’s Registration instructions page.
Effective June 29, 2021, amateur radio licensees and candidates must provide the FCC with an email address on all applications. If no email address is included, the FCC may dismiss the application as “defective.”
Bring BLUE OR BLACK INK PENS, PENCILS, and if necessary, a calculator with CLEARED memory.
Do not bring a completed NCVEC Form 605, as they will be provided at the exam session, and must be signed at the session.
Testing is always sponsored by ARRL/VEC.
Successful results of the test session are typically available on the FCC website Thursday or Friday after the test session.
For more information contact David Overton, W5JDO, at or 432-553-5597.