KB6NU Online General Class Being Offered

My FIRST online General Class amateur radio license class starts on Monday, October 5, 2020. It will consist of eight, two-hour sessions starting at 9 pm EDT (6pm PDT) and running until 11 pm EDT (8pm PDT). The eight sessions will take place on the following dates:

  • Monday, October 5
  • Thursday, October 8
  • Monday, October 12
  • Thursday, October 15
  • Monday, October 19
  • Thursday, October 22
  • Monday, October 26
  • Thursday, October 29

The cost is $25 for adults. High school and college students can attend for free. If you’re a student, all you have to do to register is send an email to cwgeek@kb6nu.com stating that you want to take the class. All others can register using PayPal or Amazon Pay here.

I’ll be using my No-Nonsense General-Class License Study Guide (for tests given between July 2019 and June 2023). It’s available as an ebook, paperback book, or audiobook.

When I get your registration, I will put you on a mailing list and send details about how to join the Zoom meeting before the class.

Testing IS NOT part of this class. To take the test, you’ll have to register for an online test session by going to https://hamstudy.org/sessions or attend a Midland VE Team test session. The cost ranges from $10 – $15, depending on the Volunteer Examiner group that’s administering the test.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.

Dan, KB6NU

New Website Layout

A few weeks ago WordPress version 5.5 was released. I updated our website but in the process broke the dropdown menus. Apparently there are MANY WordPress websites that were broken by the latest release. WordPress released a plugin as a temporary fix to allow time for the theme developers to fix their themes.

We were using a theme by FlexiThemes. They have hundreds of themes that are all apparently broken. The developer has been silent on any fixes coming out. I suspect he has abandoned his theme developement.

So, I have switched to a new theme that doesn’t have the menu problem. Everything appears to be working but if you find something that isn’t please let me know.

73, Alan N5NA

Allied A-2515 Receiver – Taking Offers

The club recently received a donation of some old equipment. Among the items is an Allied A-2515 Receiver. The receiver is in pretty good shape however the band spread tuning dial cord appears to be broken. Also, there is no built in speaker.

If you’re interested in making an offer for this radio please send your offer to Steve, K5RS, at k5rs@att.net. The current offer is at $100.

Below are a picture and video of the radio.

MARC Field Day 2020

UPDATED – 6/19/2020

Field Day this year is the weekend of June 27 – 28. The majority of the setup and operational group for Field Day 2020 has agreed that for this unusual year we will operate as individuals from our home stations. We encourage all members to operate from home as 1D (power from mains) or 1E (emergency power from generator / solar or wind charged battery). You can have more than one station and be 2s or 3s. etc.

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