Meeting Highlights – February 11, 2019

At the general meeting held on February 11, officers for the 2019 – 2020 year were nominated and elected by proclamation. New officers are: President – David Overton, KF5WDJ; Vice-President – Dylan McPherson, KG5RKK; Secretary – Mitchell Martin, WA5ZAP; Treasurer – Steve Hopkins, K5RS; Directors – Bill Bentley, N5POB, George Robertson, KG5KUQ, and Roger Rose, W5LXS.

There was a discussion about acquiring an amplifier and tuner for the main station. The club currently owns an Elecraft KPA500 and KAT500 which are designated for the remote station. There is no time frame for the amp acquisition.

The upcoming hamfest was discussed. David Overton has five programs set up for Saturday morning. Hamfest registrations and table rentals are doing well. The need for volunteers was reviewed. All the prizes have been purchased.

St. Patrick’s Day Hamfest!

The 64th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Hamfest and ARRL West Texas Section Convention is fast approaching! This year the hamfest will be March 16 at the MLK Community Center.

We have some great prizes this year as well as raffling off another Elecraft K3S transceiver. David, KF5WDJ, has been working hard getting some interesting programs lined up for Saturday morning.

If we have your email address in the hamfest database you should have received an email about the hamfest. If we don’t have your email address the hamfest flyers are expected to go in the mail sometime next week.

Go to the hamfest website at to register, buy your K3S raffle ticket, and get all the latest info. We hope to see you there!

ARRL WTX Section Manager Christmas Letter


Time flies when you are having fun!  This year has flown by and the holiday season is upon us.

I want to wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year!  May God’s blessing be upon you!

I hope each of you has enjoyed ham radio as much as I have this past year.  Although I haven’t gotten to meet and visit with as many of my fellow hams as I would have liked to, I did meet some wonderful folks who are enjoying our hobby and passing it on to the next generation.  I visited several clubs over Field Day and I enjoyed visiting the folks and I really enjoyed the fellowship this activity brings.

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ARRL WTX SEC Christmas Letter


Fellow Hams of the West Texas Section:

As we rapidly approach Christmas 2018 and New Years 2019, I would like to wish you and your family a Very Merry Christmas and a Healthy and Happy New Year.  I would also like to thank you for your continued efforts to be prepared to help your community as an Amateur Radio Operator.  Your attention to maintaining your home station’s radios, antennas, power supplies, etc., the mobile equipment in your vehicles and the portable equipment in your Go Boxes is admirable.  It shows a concern for your families, neighbors, communities and fellow man.

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The K3LR Super Station

Here is a very interesting video of a recent presentation Tim Duffy, K3LR, gave at the RSGB 2018 Convention.  Tim shows the antennas and equipment used at his multi-multi station in western PA.